Friday, June 26, 2009

Primrose of Roswell, Roswell, GA and Primrose of Alpharetta, Alpharetta, GA

Another Cheesy Story

By the Older Explorers of Primrose Schools

Someone was about to steal someone else’s cheese.

Our story begins with Steve, a fat, brown mouse who was as smart as a math book. Steve collected cheese and as far as he was concerned, the smellier the better. His favorite piece of cheese was a big chunk of rotten cheese that smelled like rotten milk.

Bert was a mean, evil hippo who was also an inventor. And he liked to eat smelly cheese. Bert invented a robot mouse that climbed up the side of the dormant volcano where Steve lived, and stole his smelliest cheese chunk.

Steve called his friend Vinot (pronounced Vee-not) and asked for some help. It was easy to follow the trail of the cheese (one only had to sniff the air to figure it out), and in a few minutes, they had found Bert and the stolen stink. The crawled under Bert and got the cheese, but before they could arrest him, he climbed into a rocket ship and escaped to another planet.

The End

Ooh! If Bert escaped, he might come back in another episode. Leave a comment or e-mail me if you have an idea for the sequel!

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