Thursday, July 9, 2009

Dade County Library, Trenton, GA


By the Trenton Readers

On a dark day in New York, something happened. The year was 2017, and there was almost no crime because people had finally learned how to get along. Everything was going well until Samantha decided to take Zachary’s R2-D2 remote control model. Zachary was old with long brown hair and he loved this robot. He had owned it since he was a kid.

Samantha was a very pretty girl with green eyes who was very funny and always played jokes on people. But no one thought it was funny when she took the robot. She used her magic powers to make the robot float out of Zach’s house and float into her bike basket. Then she took off, her long brown hair flowing behind her.

Zach called Kiara, his best friend and told her about the robot abduction. Kiara was very nice, and she told Zach not to worry. With a twinkle in her pretty blue eyes, she said, “I’ll use my skills as a finder of things to hunt for your prize robot.” She was so nice she didn’t even call it a toy, because she knew how much he loved it.

Kiara found the robot and returned it to Zach, but he was so angry about Samantha taking it, he began plotting to take something of hers to get even. What happens when Zach seeks revenge is where our next story begins.

The end.

Can you figure out what would happen next? Why don’t you write the next story?

1 comment:

  1. Hello, My daughter's Savannnah and Chaleigh were in attendance at the Trenton Ga library presentation, they were excited to see their story on the internet. Savannah was one of the children that offered the suggestion of the revenge in the story. Thank you for an exciting day at the library!
