Friday, November 6, 2009

Fairview ES, Demorest, GA

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream When Our Ice Cream Gets Stolen!

by the 4th graders

It was early in the morning, and the dew was still on the grass. Suddenly a sad cry split the still morning air. Madison, a very ugly midget who was quite fat, was crying because someone had stolen her chocolate chip chocolate ice cream! GP, another hefty midget who lived nearby, and whose hair was just too long, had broken into Madison's house and stole her favorite dessert!

When Madison calmed down, she called her BFF, Addy, who was an expert marksman. Addy found out that GP had taken the ice cream and she arrived at his house, just in time to see him eat the first bite of the frozen confection. She used her training in explosives to quickly set a trap and blew up the rest of the ice cream. Ice cream flew everywhere!

GP was arrested and went to jail. Madison thanked her friend and they both went to the store to buy some more ice cream!

The end.

Who would have thought to blow up ice cream? I guess if Madison can't have it, Addy wanted to make sure that GP couldn't either! Leave some comments.

1 comment:

  1. Hi you visited my school (JME). You were really funny!!!Well I hope you come again.Please reaply if you can. BYE!!!!!

    By:Jamie William Carter
