Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Taylor ES, Lawrenceville, GA

The Purloined Pizza

By the students in the sixth assembly program

Joe said, "Yes! I got it back!"

Joe was excited that he had gotten his pizza back. He was a smelly little boy who worried about everything. He worried so much, his friends thought he might be a little bit neurotic.

Joe had ordered his favorite pizza, with eyeballs and green peppers, and had just paid the delivery guy when out of nowhere, Bob, a squishy little fluffy little...something (no one is sure what Bob is!) snuck into Joe's house and stole the pizza.

When Joe came into the room and saw that the pizza was missing, he called his good friend and neighbor, Charlie. Charlie was a magical flying pig, and he waddled right over to see what was wrong.

Among Charlie's skill and abilities was the power to snort and grant a magical wish. Without using any detective work at all, and wasting no time, Joe asked Charlie to snort twice. Joe wished for his pizza to be returned (which it was!) and for Bob to be tossed into a lava tube (which happened).

As Bob went down the lava tube he vowed revenge on Joe and Charlie, and now Joe had something new to worry about while he ate his pizza. He offered some to Charlie, but Charlie looked at the strange recipe and said, "No thanks. I'm not hungry."

The end

Claudia says, "I'm always hungry, but I think I agree with Charlie on this one. I don't think I would EVER be hungry enough to eat an eyeball pizza! And by the way, THIS was the weirdest story EVER!"

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